module documentation

Various bits of reusable code related to ast.AST node processing.

Class NodeVisitor Generic AST node visitor. This class does not work like ast.NodeVisitor, it only visits statements directly within a body. Also, visitor methods can't return anything.
Class NodeVisitorExt Undocumented
Class Parentage Add parent attribute to ast nodes instances.
Function bind_args Binds the arguments of a function call to that function's signature.
Function extract_docstring Extract docstring information from an ast node that represents the docstring.
Function extract_docstring_linenum In older CPython versions, the AST only tells us the end line number and we must approximate the start line number. This approximation is correct if the docstring does not contain explicit newlines ('\n') or joined lines ('\' at end of line).
Function get_int_value Undocumented
Function get_num_value Undocumented
Function get_parents Once nodes have the .parent attribute with {Parentage}, use this function to get a iterator on all parents of the given node up to the root module.
Function get_str_value Undocumented
Function infer_type Infer a literal expression's type.
Function is__name__equals__main__ Returns whether or not the given ast.Compare is equal to __name__ == '__main__'.
Function is_none_literal Does this AST node represent the literal constant None?
Function is_typing_annotation Whether this annotation node refers to a typing alias.
Function is_using_annotations Detect if this expr is firstly composed by one of the specified annotation(s)' full name.
Function is_using_typing_classvar Undocumented
Function is_using_typing_final Undocumented
Function iter_values Undocumented
Function iterassign Utility function to iterate assignments targets.
Function node2dottedname Resove expression composed by ast.Attribute and ast.Name nodes to a list of names.
Function node2fullname Undocumented
Function unstring_annotation Replace all strings in the given expression by parsed versions.
Constant SUBSCRIPTABLE_CLASSES_PEP585 Undocumented
Constant TYPING_ALIAS Undocumented
Class _AnnotationStringParser Implementation of unstring_annotation().
Function _annotation_for_elements Undocumented
Function _annotation_for_value Undocumented
Function _is_str_constant Undocumented
Type Alias _AssingT Undocumented
Variable _string_lineno_is_end True iff the 'lineno' attribute of an AST string node points to the last line in the string, rather than the first line.
def bind_args(sig: Signature, call: ast.Call) -> BoundArguments: (source)

Binds the arguments of a function call to that function's signature.

TypeErrorIf the arguments do not match the signature.
def extract_docstring(node: ast.Str) -> Tuple[int, str]: (source)

Extract docstring information from an ast node that represents the docstring.

Tuple[int, str]
def extract_docstring_linenum(node: ast.Str) -> int: (source)

In older CPython versions, the AST only tells us the end line number and we must approximate the start line number. This approximation is correct if the docstring does not contain explicit newlines ('\n') or joined lines ('\' at end of line).

Leading blank lines are stripped by cleandoc(), so we must return the line number of the first non-blank line.

def get_int_value(expr: ast.expr) -> Optional[int]: (source)


def get_num_value(expr: ast.expr) -> Optional[Number]: (source)


def get_parents(node: ast.AST) -> Iterator[ast.AST]: (source)

Once nodes have the .parent attribute with {Parentage}, use this function to get a iterator on all parents of the given node up to the root module.

def get_str_value(expr: ast.expr) -> Optional[str]: (source)


def infer_type(expr: ast.expr) -> Optional[ast.expr]: (source)

Infer a literal expression's type.

expr:ast.exprThe expression's AST.
Optional[ast.expr]A type annotation, or None if the expression has no obvious type.
def is__name__equals__main__(cmp: ast.Compare) -> bool: (source)

Returns whether or not the given ast.Compare is equal to __name__ == '__main__'.

def is_none_literal(node: ast.expr) -> bool: (source)

Does this AST node represent the literal constant None?

def is_typing_annotation(node: ast.AST, ctx: model.Documentable) -> bool: (source)

Whether this annotation node refers to a typing alias.

def is_using_annotations(expr: Optional[ast.AST], annotations: Sequence[str], ctx: model.Documentable) -> bool: (source)

Detect if this expr is firstly composed by one of the specified annotation(s)' full name.

def is_using_typing_classvar(expr: Optional[ast.AST], ctx: model.Documentable) -> bool: (source)


def is_using_typing_final(expr: Optional[ast.AST], ctx: model.Documentable) -> bool: (source)


def iter_values(node: ast.AST) -> Iterator[ast.AST]: (source)


def iterassign(node: _AssingT) -> Iterator[Optional[List[str]]]: (source)

Utility function to iterate assignments targets.

Useful for all the following AST assignments:

>>> var:int=2
>>> self.var = target = node.astext()
>>> lol = ['extensions']

NOT Useful for the following AST assignments:

>>> x, y = [1,2]


>>> from pydoctor.astutils import iterassign
>>> from ast import parse
>>> node = parse('self.var = target = thing[0] = node.astext()').body[0]
>>> list(iterassign(node))
def node2dottedname(node: Optional[ast.AST]) -> Optional[List[str]]: (source)

Resove expression composed by ast.Attribute and ast.Name nodes to a list of names.

def node2fullname(expr: Optional[ast.AST], ctx: model.Documentable) -> Optional[str]: (source)


def unstring_annotation(node: ast.expr, ctx: model.Documentable, section: str = 'annotation') -> ast.expr: (source)

Replace all strings in the given expression by parsed versions.

ast.exprThe unstringed node. If parsing fails, an error is logged and the original node is returned.
SUBSCRIPTABLE_CLASSES_PEP585: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


TYPING_ALIAS: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


def _annotation_for_elements(sequence: Iterable[object]) -> Optional[ast.expr]: (source)


def _annotation_for_value(value: object) -> Optional[ast.expr]: (source)


def _is_str_constant(expr: ast.expr, s: str) -> bool: (source)


_AssingT = (source)


Union[ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign]
_string_lineno_is_end = (source)

True iff the 'lineno' attribute of an AST string node points to the last line in the string, rather than the first line.