module documentation

Parser for epytext strings. Epytext is a lightweight markup whose primary intended application is Python documentation strings. This parser converts Epytext strings to a simple DOM-like representation (encoded as a tree of Element objects and strings). Epytext strings can contain the following structural blocks:

  • epytext: The top-level element of the DOM tree.
  • para: A paragraph of text. Paragraphs contain no newlines, and all spaces are soft.
  • section: A section or subsection.
  • field: A tagged field. These fields provide information about specific aspects of a Python object, such as the description of a function's parameter, or the author of a module.
  • literalblock: A block of literal text. This text should be displayed as it would be displayed in plaintext. The parser removes the appropriate amount of leading whitespace from each line in the literal block.
  • doctestblock: A block containing sample python code, formatted according to the specifications of the doctest module.
  • ulist: An unordered list.
  • olist: An ordered list.
  • li: A list item. This tag is used both for unordered list items and for ordered list items.

Additionally, the following inline regions may be used within para blocks:

  • code: Source code and identifiers.
  • math: Mathematical expressions.
  • index: A term which should be included in an index, if one is generated.
  • italic: Italicized text.
  • bold: Bold-faced text.
  • uri: A Universal Resource Indicator (URI) or Universal Resource Locator (URL)
  • link: A Python identifier which should be hyperlinked to the named object's documentation, when possible.

The returned DOM tree will conform to the the following Document Type Description:

   <!ENTITY % colorized '(code | math | index | italic |
                          bold | uri | link | symbol)*'>

   <!ELEMENT epytext ((para | literalblock | doctestblock |
                      section | ulist | olist)*, fieldlist?)>

   <!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>

   <!ELEMENT section (para | listblock | doctestblock |
                      section | ulist | olist)+>

   <!ELEMENT fieldlist (field+)>
   <!ELEMENT field (tag, arg?, (para | listblock | doctestblock)
                                ulist | olist)+)>
   <!ELEMENT tag (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT arg (#PCDATA)>

   <!ELEMENT literalblock (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT doctestblock (#PCDATA)>

   <!ELEMENT ulist (li+)>
   <!ELEMENT olist (li+)>
   <!ELEMENT li (para | literalblock | doctestblock | ulist | olist)+>
   <!ATTLIST olist start NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT uri     (name, target)>
   <!ELEMENT link    (name, target)>
   <!ELEMENT name    (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT target  (#PCDATA)>

   <!ELEMENT code    (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT math    (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT italic  (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT bold    (#PCDATA | %colorized;)*>
   <!ELEMENT indexed (#PCDATA | %colorized;)>
   <!ATTLIST code style CDATA #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT symbol (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT wbr>
Class Element A very simple DOM-like representation for parsed epytext documents. Each epytext document is encoded as a tree whose nodes are Element objects, and whose leaves are strings. Each node is marked by a ...
Class ParsedEpytextDocstring Undocumented
Class Token Tokens are an intermediate data structure used while constructing the structuring DOM tree for a formatted docstring. There are five types of Token:
Exception ColorizingError An error generated while colorizing a paragraph.
Exception StructuringError An error generated while structuring a formatted documentation string.
Exception TokenizationError An error generated while tokenizing a formatted documentation string.
Function get_parser Get the parse_docstring function.
Function gettext Return the text inside the epytext element(s).
Function parse Return a DOM tree encoding the contents of an epytext string. Any errors generated during parsing will be stored in errors.
Function parse_docstring Parse the given docstring, which is formatted using epytext; and return a ParsedDocstring representation of its contents.
Function slugify A generic slugifier utility (currently only for Latin-based scripts). Example:
Constant SYMBOLS A list of the of escape symbols that are supported by epydoc. Currently the following symbols are supported :
Variable __doc__ Undocumented
Variable symblist Undocumented
Function _add_list Add a new list item or field to the DOM tree, with the given bullet or field tag. When necessary, create the associated list.
Function _add_para Colorize the given paragraph, and add it to the DOM tree.
Function _add_section Add a new section to the DOM tree, with the given heading.
Function _colorize Given a string containing the contents of a paragraph, produce a DOM Element encoding that paragraph. Colorized regions are represented using DOM Elements, and text is represented using DOM Texts.
Function _colorize_link Undocumented
Function _pop_completed_blocks Pop any completed blocks off the stack. This includes any blocks that we have dedented past, as well as any list item blocks that we've dedented to. The top element on the stack should only be a list if we're about to start a new list item (i...
Function _tokenize Split a given formatted docstring into an ordered list of Tokens, according to the epytext markup rules.
Function _tokenize_doctest Construct a Token containing the doctest block starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. block_indent should be the indentation of the doctest block. Any errors generated while tokenizing the doctest block will be appended to ...
Function _tokenize_listart Construct Tokens for the bullet and the first paragraph of the list item (or field) starting at lines[start], and append them to tokens. bullet_indent should be the indentation of the list item. Any errors generated while tokenizing will be appended to ...
Function _tokenize_literal Construct a Token containing the literal block starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. block_indent should be the indentation of the literal block. Any errors generated while tokenizing the literal block will be appended to ...
Function _tokenize_para Construct a Token containing the paragraph starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. para_indent should be the indentation of the paragraph . Any errors generated while tokenizing the paragraph will be appended to ...
Constant _BRACE_RE Undocumented
Constant _BULLET_RE Undocumented
Constant _COLORIZING_TAGS Undocumented
Constant _ESCAPES Undocumented
Constant _FIELD_BULLET Undocumented
Constant _FIELD_BULLET_RE Undocumented
Constant _HEADING_CHARS Undocumented
Constant _LINK_COLORIZING_TAGS Undocumented
Constant _LIST_BULLET_RE Undocumented
Constant _OLIST_BULLET Undocumented
Constant _SYMBOLS Undocumented
Constant _TARGET_RE Undocumented
Constant _ULIST_BULLET Undocumented

Get the parse_docstring function.

def gettext(node: str | Element | list[str | Element]) -> list[str]: (source)

Return the text inside the epytext element(s).

def parse(text: str, errors: list[ParseError]) -> Element | None: (source)

Return a DOM tree encoding the contents of an epytext string. Any errors generated during parsing will be stored in errors.

text:strThe epytext string to parse.
errors:list[ParseError]A list where any errors generated during parsing will be stored. If no list is specified, then fatal errors will generate exceptions, and non-fatal errors will be ignored.
Element | Nonea DOM tree encoding the contents of an epytext string, or None if non-fatal errors were encountered and no errors accumulator was provided.
ParseErrorIf errors is None and an error is encountered while parsing.
def parse_docstring(docstring: str, errors: list[ParseError]) -> ParsedDocstring: (source)

Parse the given docstring, which is formatted using epytext; and return a ParsedDocstring representation of its contents.

docstring:strThe docstring to parse
errors:list[ParseError]A list where any errors generated during parsing will be stored.
def slugify(string: str) -> str: (source)

A generic slugifier utility (currently only for Latin-based scripts). Example:

>>> slugify("Héllo Wörld")

A list of the of escape symbols that are supported by epydoc. Currently the following symbols are supported :

    # Arrows
    '<-', '->', '^', 'v',

    # Greek letters
    'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta',
    'eta', 'theta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu',
    'nu', 'xi', 'omicron', 'pi', 'rho', 'sigma',
    'tau', 'upsilon', 'phi', 'chi', 'psi', 'omega',
    'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Epsilon', 'Zeta',
    'Eta', 'Theta', 'Iota', 'Kappa', 'Lambda', 'Mu',
    'Nu', 'Xi', 'Omicron', 'Pi', 'Rho', 'Sigma',
    'Tau', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'Psi', 'Omega',

    # HTML character entities
    'larr', 'rarr', 'uarr', 'darr', 'harr', 'crarr',
    'lArr', 'rArr', 'uArr', 'dArr', 'hArr',
    'copy', 'times', 'forall', 'exist', 'part',
    'empty', 'isin', 'notin', 'ni', 'prod', 'sum',
    'prop', 'infin', 'ang', 'and', 'or', 'cap', 'cup',
    'int', 'there4', 'sim', 'cong', 'asymp', 'ne',
    'equiv', 'le', 'ge', 'sub', 'sup', 'nsub',
    'sube', 'supe', 'oplus', 'otimes', 'perp',

    # Alternate (long) names
    'infinity', 'integral', 'product',
    '>=', '<=',


symblist = (source)


def _add_list(bullet_token: Token, stack: list[Element], indent_stack: list[int | None], errors: list[ParseError]): (source)

Add a new list item or field to the DOM tree, with the given bullet or field tag. When necessary, create the associated list.

def _add_para(para_token: Token, stack: list[Element], indent_stack: list[int | None], errors: list[ParseError]): (source)

Colorize the given paragraph, and add it to the DOM tree.

def _add_section(heading_token: Token, stack: list[Element], indent_stack: list[int | None], errors: list[ParseError]): (source)

Add a new section to the DOM tree, with the given heading.

def _colorize(token: Token, errors: list[ParseError], tagName: str = 'para') -> Element: (source)

Given a string containing the contents of a paragraph, produce a DOM Element encoding that paragraph. Colorized regions are represented using DOM Elements, and text is represented using DOM Texts.

errors:list of stringA list of errors. Any newly generated errors will be appended to this list.
tagName:stringThe element tag for the DOM Element that should be generated.
Elementa DOM Element encoding the given paragraph.
def _colorize_link(link: Element, token: Token, end: int, errors: list[ParseError]): (source)


def _pop_completed_blocks(token: Token, stack: list[Element], indent_stack: list[int | None]): (source)

Pop any completed blocks off the stack. This includes any blocks that we have dedented past, as well as any list item blocks that we've dedented to. The top element on the stack should only be a list if we're about to start a new list item (i.e., if the next token is a bullet).

def _tokenize(text: str, errors: list[ParseError]) -> list[Token]: (source)

Split a given formatted docstring into an ordered list of Tokens, according to the epytext markup rules.

text:strThe epytext string
errors:list[ParseError]A list where any errors generated during parsing will be stored. If no list is specified, then errors will generate exceptions.
list[Token]a list of the Tokens that make up the given string.
def _tokenize_doctest(lines: list[str], start: int, block_indent: int, tokens: list[Token], errors: list[ParseError]) -> int: (source)

Construct a Token containing the doctest block starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. block_indent should be the indentation of the doctest block. Any errors generated while tokenizing the doctest block will be appended to errors.

lines:list[str]The list of lines to be tokenized
start:intThe index into lines of the first line of the doctest block to be tokenized.
block_indent:intThe indentation of lines[start]. This is the indentation of the doctest block.
errors:list[ParseError]A list where any errors generated during parsing will be stored. If no list is specified, then errors will generate exceptions.
intThe line number of the first line following the doctest block.
def _tokenize_listart(lines: list[str], start: int, bullet_indent: int, tokens: list[Token], errors: list[ParseError]) -> int: (source)

Construct Tokens for the bullet and the first paragraph of the list item (or field) starting at lines[start], and append them to tokens. bullet_indent should be the indentation of the list item. Any errors generated while tokenizing will be appended to errors.

lines:list[str]The list of lines to be tokenized
start:intThe index into lines of the first line of the list item to be tokenized.
bullet_indent:intThe indentation of lines[start]. This is the indentation of the list item.
errors:list[ParseError]A list of the errors generated by parsing. Any new errors generated while will tokenizing this paragraph will be appended to this list.
intThe line number of the first line following the list item's first paragraph.
def _tokenize_literal(lines: list[str], start: int, block_indent: int, tokens: list[Token], errors: list[ParseError]) -> int: (source)

Construct a Token containing the literal block starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. block_indent should be the indentation of the literal block. Any errors generated while tokenizing the literal block will be appended to errors.

lines:list[str]The list of lines to be tokenized
start:intThe index into lines of the first line of the literal block to be tokenized.
block_indent:intThe indentation of lines[start]. This is the indentation of the literal block.
errors:list[ParseError]A list of the errors generated by parsing. Any new errors generated while will tokenizing this paragraph will be appended to this list.
intThe line number of the first line following the literal block.
def _tokenize_para(lines: list[str], start: int, para_indent: int, tokens: list[Token], errors: list[ParseError]) -> int: (source)

Construct a Token containing the paragraph starting at lines[start], and append it to tokens. para_indent should be the indentation of the paragraph . Any errors generated while tokenizing the paragraph will be appended to errors.

lines:list[str]The list of lines to be tokenized
start:intThe index into lines of the first line of the paragraph to be tokenized.
para_indent:intThe indentation of lines[start]. This is the indentation of the paragraph.
errors:list[ParseError]A list of the errors generated by parsing. Any new errors generated while will tokenizing this paragraph will be appended to this list.
intThe line number of the first line following the paragraph.
_BRACE_RE = (source)


_BULLET_RE = (source)


re.compile((_ULIST_BULLET + '|' + _OLIST_BULLET + '|' + _FIELD_BULLET))
_COLORIZING_TAGS: dict[str, str] = (source)


{'C': 'code',
 'M': 'math',
 'I': 'italic',
 'B': 'bold',
 'U': 'uri',
 'L': 'link',
 'E': 'escape',
_ESCAPES: dict[str, str] = (source)


{'lb': '{', 'rb': '}'}
_FIELD_BULLET: str = (source)


'@\\w+( [^{}:\\n]+)?:'
_FIELD_BULLET_RE = (source)


_HEADING_CHARS: str = (source)


_LINK_COLORIZING_TAGS: list[str] = (source)


['link', 'uri']
_LIST_BULLET_RE = (source)


re.compile((_ULIST_BULLET + '|' + _OLIST_BULLET))
_OLIST_BULLET: str = (source)


'(\\d+[.])+( +|$)'
_SYMBOLS = (source)


_TARGET_RE = (source)


_ULIST_BULLET: str = (source)


'[-]( +|$)'