package documentation

Markup language support for docstrings. Each submodule defines a parser for a single markup language. These parsers convert an object's docstring to a ParsedDocstring, a standard intermediate representation that can be used to generate output.

A ParsedDocstring is used for output generation (to_stan()). It also stores the fields that were extracted from the docstring during parsing (fields).

The parse_docstring() functions in the format modules take a docstring, parse it and return a format-specific subclass of ParsedDocstring. A docstring's fields are separated from the body during parsing.

The ParsedDocstring output generation method (to_stan()) uses a DocstringLinker to link the docstring output with the rest of the documentation that epydoc generates. DocstringLinkers are responsible for formatting cross-references (link_xref()).

Markup errors are represented using ParseErrors. These exception classes record information about the cause, location, and severity of each error.

Module epytext Parser for epytext strings. Epytext is a lightweight markup whose primary intended application is Python documentation strings. This parser converts Epytext strings to a simple DOM-like representation (encoded as a tree of ...
Module google Parser for google-style docstrings.
Module numpy Parser for numpy-style docstrings.
Module plaintext Parser for plaintext docstrings. Plaintext docstrings are rendered as verbatim output, preserving all whitespace.
Module restructuredtext Epydoc parser for ReStructuredText strings. ReStructuredText is the standard markup language used by the Docutils project. parse_docstring() provides the primary interface to this module; it returns a ...
Module _napoleon This module contains a class to wrap shared behaviour between pydoctor.epydoc.markup.numpy and
Module _pyval_repr Syntax highlighter for Python values. Currently provides special colorization support for:
Module _types Render types from docutils.nodes.document objects.


Class DocstringLinker A resolver for crossreference links out of a ParsedDocstring. DocstringLinker is used by ParsedDocstring to look up the target URL for crossreference links.
Class Field The contents of a docstring's field. Docstring fields are used to describe specific aspects of an object, such as a parameter of a function or the author of a module. Each field consists of a tag, an optional argument, and a body:...
Class ParsedDocstring A standard intermediate representation for parsed docstrings that can be used to generate output. Parsed docstrings are produced by markup parsers such as pydoctor.epydoc.markup.epytext.parse_docstring()...
Class SummaryExtractor A docutils node visitor that extracts first sentences from the first paragraph in a document.
Exception ParseError The base class for errors generated while parsing docstrings.
Function append_warnings Utility method to create non fatal ParseErrors and append them to the provided list.
Function get_parser_by_name Get the parse_docstring(str, List[ParseError], bool) -> ParsedDocstring function based on a parser name.
Function get_supported_docformats Get the list of currently supported docformat.
Function processtypes Wraps a docstring parser function to provide option --process-types.
Type Alias ObjClass A simpler version of DocumentableKind used for docstring parsing only.
Type Alias ParserFunction Undocumented
def append_warnings(warns: list[str], errs: list[ParseError], lineno: int): (source)

Utility method to create non fatal ParseErrors and append them to the provided list.

warns:list[str]The warnings strings.
errs:list[ParseError]The list of errors.
def get_parser_by_name(docformat: str, objclass: ObjClass | None = None) -> ParserFunction: (source)

Get the parse_docstring(str, List[ParseError], bool) -> ParsedDocstring function based on a parser name.

ImportErrorIf the parser could not be imported, probably meaning that your are missing a dependency or it could be that the docformat name do not match any know pydoctor.epydoc.markup submodules.
def get_supported_docformats() -> Iterator[str]: (source)

Get the list of currently supported docformat.

def processtypes(parse: ParserFunction) -> ParserFunction: (source)

Wraps a docstring parser function to provide option --process-types.

A simpler version of DocumentableKind used for docstring parsing only.

Literal['module', 'class', 'function', 'attribute']
ParserFunction = (source)


Callable[[str, list[ParseError]], ParsedDocstring]