package documentation

The classes that turn Documentable instances into objects we can render.

Module attributechild Undocumented
Module functionchild Undocumented
Module sidebar Classes for the sidebar generation.
Module table Undocumented


Class ClassPage Undocumented
Class CommonPage No class docstring; 0/2 property, 0/3 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/20 method documented
Class Head Common metadata.
Class ModulePage Undocumented
Class Nav Common navigation header.
Class PackagePage Undocumented
Class Page Abstract base class for output pages.
Class ZopeInterfaceClassPage Undocumented
Function assembleList Convert list of object names into a stan tree with clickable links.
Function format_class_signature The class signature is the formatted list of bases this class extends. It's not the class constructor.
Function format_decorators Undocumented
Function format_function_def Format a function definition as nice HTML signature.
Function format_overloads Format a function overloads definitions as nice HTML signatures.
Function format_signature Return a stan representation of a nicely-formatted source-like function signature for the given Function. Arguments default values are linked to the appropriate objects when possible.
Function get_override_info Undocumented
Constant commonpages List all page classes: ties documentable class name with the page class used for rendering
def assembleList(system: model.System, label: str, lst: Sequence[str], page_url: str) -> Flattenable | None: (source)

Convert list of object names into a stan tree with clickable links.

def format_class_signature(cls: model.Class) -> Flattenable: (source)

The class signature is the formatted list of bases this class extends. It's not the class constructor.

def format_function_def(func_name: str, is_async: bool, func: model.Function | model.FunctionOverload) -> list[Flattenable]: (source)

Format a function definition as nice HTML signature.

If the function is overloaded, it will return an empty list. We use format_overloads for these.

def format_overloads(func: model.Function) -> Iterator[Flattenable]: (source)

Format a function overloads definitions as nice HTML signatures.

Return a stan representation of a nicely-formatted source-like function signature for the given Function. Arguments default values are linked to the appropriate objects when possible.

def get_override_info(cls: model.Class, member_name: str, page_url: str | None = None) -> Iterator[Flattenable]: (source)


List all page classes: ties documentable class name with the page class used for rendering

{'Module': ModulePage,
 'Package': PackagePage,
 'Class': ClassPage,
 'ZopeInterfaceClass': ZopeInterfaceClassPage}